Monday, August 22, 2005
Back to reality...
We have returned and are finally adjusted - the jet lag gets us everytime. One week later, we are back to Central European time and back to work. Dan has already been to the Czech Republic and leaves for Milan Wednesday. Next week he returns to Czech and I travel to Sweden. What jet setters we have become...
Had a good weekend. Wiesbaden has an annual 10 day wine festival featuring all the wines from the Rhinegau - Germany loves festivals and Dan and I love them, too! Great wine, food, and fun. For those interested in seeing a festival when you visit, mid-June and mid-August is the time to come!!!
We had a fantastic time at home and I think both of us feel recharged after being with our family and friends. We spent a few days in Alpena to see Dan's family, which was a surprise to every single Rankin! Dan spent sometime in Cleveland working for a few days, while I spent time seeing family and friends. We got to meet a new friend of Jason's and I spent some time shopping for summer deals. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and showed my grandpa pictures of the town where his father was born and raised. What a wonderful gift that Dan and I could give to him, considering his health isn't so well these days. If Mohammed can't go to the mountain, we will bring the mountain to Mohammed...
Dan will post a few pics from our trip home tomorrow. Enjoy and we look forward to seeing everyone at Christmas - only 4 short months away!
P.S. Good luck to Julie and Tom in the next few days...their beautiful baby girl is due to arrive in just 5 days from now!
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9:22 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Home Safe
We got home this morning and are shaking off our jetlag right now. It was great to see everyone while we were home. It went by way too fast once again. To my family, hope you enjoyed my surprise visit to Alpena, Dad's face was priceless.
I got home and have a new gig writing on the Detroit News Blog Squad. Check out the site at
Click on Meet the Blog Squad and there I am. My first review was on Greektown Casino. Just another way to keep me closer to all of you.
Pictures from our trip soon...
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8:56 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
First Bavarian (Sort of) Weekend
We spent the weekend in Wurzburg and Rothenburg which are both technically in Bavaria but they don't consider themselves to be Bavarian. I guess it's kind of like the Western Upper Peninsula rooting for the Green Bay Packers.
We also had time to visit and small city called Gossmansdorf near Wurzburg where Kelli's Great Grandfather was born and lived until he moved to the US at 17.
Both cities were fantastic and very different. Wurzburg was bombed to the groud during WWII and there were many historical points throughout the city talking of the town's rebirth and the devastation. IT makes you sad to look at the pictures of what some of theese cities looked like pre 1940 but many towns have painstakingly restored themselves to "almost" pre-war condition.
Rothenburg is considered to be the most authentically preserved medieval walled city in existence. It is what Kelli and I always thought of Germany growing up. Narrow streets, small shops, little restaurants, museums and tons of timber framed houses. Yet another must see for visitors, and less than two hours from Wiesbaden.
take care all,
Posted by
8:14 PM
This is Gossmansdorf, where Kelli's great grandfather was born and lived until he moved to the US at 17.
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8:00 PM