Good Times
Having Brad and Tim here was great. Tim got in Friday at 10AM and Brad at about 7PM. After dinner at Der Andechser we headed out on the town until about 3 in the morning. Satruday, we headed down the Rhine and hit a couple Christmas Markets. Saturday night we had a Christmas Party with some of KElli's coworkers. A lot of stories and memories were had by all. Some can be written, some have to be told...
Sunday Tim and Kelli flew back to Detroit on the same flight and Brad headed to Barcelona. I flew to Spain on Monday and spent the night in Zaragoza which is about halfway between Barcelona and Madrid. A very industrial town with a beautiful Basilica in the center of town. The pictures don't do justice to how massive this place was. Probably a city block. After that, it was back to Barcelona where Brad and I went out on the town Tueday night. We ended up having drinks at by far the coolest Hotel I have ever been in in my entire life. It's called Hotel OMM. Look it up, it is that sweet.
I am getting packed ready to fly home in the morning. It's gonna be one of those Friends and Family Holidays that will probably have us more tired when we get home than relaxed but both of us have been looking forward to this time home for a long while.
Home base will be Jay Boss's house so look him up if you can't dial our phones.
Frohes Weihnacht und ein Guten Silvester!