Thursday, March 30, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Dan's Rule Number 2237: Don't buy illegal weapons for visiting friends
I guess as a way of extending visits, violating this rule would be the way to go. But seeing BR's eyes light up at the sight of that mace in the shop in Rothenburg, there was no way that I could NOT buy it for him, so I did. Little did we know that they would get yanked off the plane in Frankfurt after their checked luggage was scanned. After having the crap scared out of them by German customs, they were told that this was "...all for nothing", and that they never should have been taken off of the plane. Oh well, they got one extra day here and also were able to sit outside and enjoy some more great beer as the temps soared into the 60's.
We headed to Strasbourg, France on the day they arrived and spent the day walking around, shopping, eating and haing a good time. We were haunted by a mysterious "pipe dude" that seeemed to show up everywhere. The next day we drove into the Black Forest and had a beer at a ski slope up in the mountains before driving back to Wiesbaden and finishing up the day doing some wine tasting on the Rhein.
Monday we headed to Munich, stopping in Rothenburg along the way (MACE!) and finished the day at the Hofbrauhaus where we met and hung out with some German guys from Berlin. Tuesday we headed south into the mountains and visited Castle Neuschwanstein and walked around Fussen a little. Wednesday was all about Munich as we took a city tour, did a lot of walking and took in the Bavarian show at the Hofbrauhaus.
Thursday, we departed Germany and drove into Austria on our way to Prague. We stopped in Salzburg along the way and got into Prague after a LONG drive through the Czech countryside. It probably would have been helpful to cinsult a map to see that there are no expressways from Salzburg to Prague. Who wouldda thunk it?
Friday was St. Patrick's Day so we hunted out an Irish Pub for a noon time Guiness befor walking around the city, shopping and taking in the sights. It was pretty cold and snowed throughout the day. It made for some beautiful pics.
Saturday we took the city tour, relaxed a little and had a great dinner at one of the nicest (and coolest) restaurants in all of Prague and starting looking back at all we had done.
Sunday, we drove back to Wiesbaden and the temp began to rise as we got near home. When we got back, people were outside and Spring had basically come while we were away. I loved that BR and Cory were able to see the city for all the reasons that we love it.
And then Monday came and we said goodbye - we thought...
Our time was way too short but it felt great to share our new life here with people that are very close to us. We miss you both very much already. I think having you guys here really made us realize both how great we have it and how much we really miss our friends and family in Michigan. We can't wait for you to come back again. While we saw so much in a short period of time, there is soo much more to see!
Enjoy the pics
Posted by
12:26 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Great times with BR & Cory
BR & Cory left day later than expected. I'll let Dan explain the story later - it's a funny one now, but probably wasn't so funny for BR & Cory at the time. I'll give you a hit - something was thought to be illegal by the German police at the airport and it involves a medieval weapon that Dan and I now have in our home...
We had a fabulous time and it was tough to say good-bye as we probably won't see any friends again until the fall. We took them to four countries - Strasbourg, France, all through out Germany (Black Forest, RhineGau (wineries), Munich, the castle in south Germany that looks like Cinderella), Salzburg, Austria, and Prague in the Czech Republic. We did a lot of sightseeing, a lot of eating, and of course a lot of drinking! Cory and I managed to get in some shopping, too. Just enjoyed being able to hang out, laugh, and be with close friends. Pictures and further stories to be posted over the weekend.
Dan travels to Stutgart tomorrow for the next two days. Luckily I won't be traveling for at least a few weeks. Might get to go to North Africa which would be cool. Next week covering for my boss who will be on vacation, so it will be an interesting week.
Easter weekend we head to Athens - looking forward to warmer weather. It has been a cold, long winter here. People have told us that this is the coldest, wettest winter they have seen in 15 years. Not worse than Detroit but on average it should be warmer in the winter with little snow.
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8:53 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006
"Life" by Jim "Mudcat" Grant - 60's professional pitcher
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5:03 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Swiss Weekend
All in all though, not that big a deal, just had to take our time with the car a little bit. Been a while since I shoveled snow though.
We spent the day Saturday at the home of Brian's sister Chele and her husband Thomi. They had two VERY cute little daughters Olivia and Jillian that were good for a lot of entertainment since we were snowed in. They made us a great dinner, we played a lot of Twister and then shared some wine and plum brandy - i do not like plum brandy....
Sunday we headed to the Fassnacht parade in Thomi's hometown of Pratteln right near Basel. It was much like the Karneval in Mainz that I was at but MUCH more family oriented. No roving hordes of hammered teenagers at this one. Just a chain of about 50 floats, bands etc. that goes around the parade route a couple of times and tosses everything from candy and fruit to Cup o' Noodles and Beer Coasters. You also get pelted with a boatload of confetti. good times.

Kelli and I can not wait to pick up BR and Cory Saturday morning. We'll be hitting Strasbourg, France - Bavaria and Prague in about 8 days next week. Lots of pics and stories to come.
Posted by
9:37 AM
Brian and Kelli working on some torn cartilage - I'd probably still be in a hospital in Switzerland somewhere if I got down there.
Posted by
9:34 AM
Bomb shelters are required in every home in Switzerland - (in my best Ed McMahon voice) I did not know that!
Posted by
9:32 AM
Posted by
9:25 AM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Long Travels to Switzerland
After long travels for all, we had a wonderful weekend with Amy and Brian as well as Brian's sister, brother-in-law, and two adorable nieces - they live just outside of Basel, Switzerland. For some reason, we got a dumping of snow in the Frankfurt area on Friday and around Basel on Saturday. Due to all of this snow, poor Amy and Brian were trapped in the Frankfurt airport and it ended up taking them 36 hours to get from the US to Basel. For us, instead of it taking 3 hours to drive to Basel from our house, it took about 5.5 hours! The travels were well worth it to see them!! Thanks again to Chele and Thomi for being such wonderful hosts and including us in the weekend plans. Dan will post some pictures later this week.
Tomorrow I am off to Zaragoza, Spain (it is suppose to be 65 and sunny there on Wednesday!) for work returning on Thursday night and then Saturday BR & Cory arrive. It is so wonderful having visitors!!!
Posted by
9:22 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
Looooong Week
What a week. Last weekend was the beginning of Karneval in the area. It has similar roots to Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the celebrations are somewhat similar as well. It involves lots of parades, costumes and TONS of drinking. There are also many things for kids to do as well with rides and childrens parades on Sunday. The main cities for Karneval in Germany are Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mainz (which is across the river from Wiesbaden). I made it over to Mainz last Thursday as well as Monday.
Over the weekend, Kelli took me to Brussels for my birthday and treated me to a massage and brewery tour. It may not seem like those two would fit together very well, but in Belgium, I can assue that it works. We were both surprised at how great of a city Belgium was. Some of the sights were beautiful although the area that a tourist would like to hang out in is pretty small.
Tuesday we got together with some friends in Wiesbaden and hit the Paulaner for dinner and then up to my local hang, The Irish Pub, for an old school Karaoke jam "Cable Guy" style. Lots of fun made for a rough Wednesday.
Today, we got our biggest snowfall since we moved here (which was one year ago this week - can not believe it). We got about 8 cm (5in) I would guess. The roads are a mess as there are no plows really on the surface streets. At least not in Wiesbaden. I did hear a whole lotta sirens all day.
Tomorrow morning we are supposed to drive down to Basel, Switzerland to meet up with Kelli's friend Amy and her husband Brian but we just got a phone call that they are stuck at the Frankfurt airport! They may be driving down with us....if we get the call.
all for now, take it easy
Posted by
8:26 PM
My Birthday Night Out

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8:02 PM
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7:54 PM
More Brussels Photos

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7:48 PM