Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I will try to post some pictures from Amsterdam and Winefest before we leave for the Riviera in the morning.
If not, click on this link, this is some funny stuff....
Posted by
10:16 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
It's Time
Hard to believe that football season is starting again. It seems like we were collpasing again jsut yesterday. The best part about Spartan football season is the fact that Spartan Basketball season starts before the season is over.
I am in Austria again this week in the hometown of the Terminator. I used the phrase "I'll be back" in a heavy Austrian accent today and everyone looked at me completely normally.
We were in Amsterdam over the weekend with our friends Tony and Jenny. There are a TON of pics to post as we had a total blast. We made a video at the Heineken Brewery that you can find in the Videos section of my MySpace page. The link to my page is on the right.
MySpace is like crack. Do not sign up if you do not want to reconnect with a bunch of people that you haven't seen or talked to in a long time. I have written back and forth with both of my "little bros" from my fraternity that I have not seen or talked to in over 8 years. So random.
The wine fest is on day 6 in Wiesbaden right now and not an ounce of Riesling has touched my lips yet. What the hell is wrong with me!? I can guarantee that all that will change tomorrow night. Hide the women and children, it's time to crush some Gewurtztraminer!
Post some comments, we can tell you are all here damn it!
Posted by
8:24 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Rollin, rollin, rollin.....
Tigers win again. It's lookin a LOT like '84
This time with some of the biggest hitters on the bench the pitchers took over for a 1-0 victory.
Posted by
11:22 AM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Detroit Rock City
This is from Pam Anderson's blog. Love that she is representin' the D so soon after marrying Kid Rock last weekend.
We spent the weekend locally and headed to a carnival in Frankfurt with our friends Tony and Jenny y Saturday. I will say this about Germans, they run their carnival rides long and rough. We were on a good spin and puke ride that lasted (I swear to God) like 15 minutes. My arm almost fell off.
The Tigers are just continuing to rock. Pudge with a walk-off homer last night was just another in the line of "they can't do it again, can they?" games. I watch nearly every game on my computer the following morning for night games and when they play day games (It's the bottom of the first right now against the Indians) they are on at 7, just like home.
We made our travel plans for later this month today. We are taking a trip to Lucerne, the French Riviera (Nice, Monte Carlo, Cannes etc.), Genoa, Pisa, Florence, Milan and Lake Como over about 10 days. The hotels that we have booked look really great and we are both pretty pumped.
The Wine Fest starts in Wiesbaden on Friday and runs for ten days. LOTS of Riesling will be going down I predict.
I got to talk to my entire family yesterday as it was the Rankin family reunion in Alpena this weekend. It felt strange to not be there. I am sure the jet-skis were getting a workout and White Pine National Golf Course was as beautiful as usual.
Just got some VERY depressing news. Wal-Mart is exiting the German market. Apparently they couldn't convince the German masses that cheap Chinese goods sold very cheaply by poorly paid individuals was the way to get everything you need. Germans don't like to buy Leberknodel at the same place they get the latest David Hasselhoff CD. Not all things American translate very well is lesson number one learned over here.
Go Tigers
Posted by
7:14 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
More Babies!
Well, this is overdue and a few weeks late, but very excited to get the news in late June that Matt and Kathy Szalach had their second little one. Emily is the new addition and I am sure that Patrick will be a protective big brother! Watch out Somerset!
Two weeks ago, Jenna and Ryan Arnold had their little boy, Ty. They look so cute as a family! Talked to Jenna yesterday and they sound so happy and so at ease with being parents.
Can't wait to see all the babies at Christmas time!!
Posted by
9:38 PM