A new blog
Since DKGermany is no more....we thought it appropriate (after some nudging from friends and family) to continue our musings. Click on the link below to go to...
Poop, Sleep, Repeat
Come along with us on our life overseas - loving every minute of opening our eyes to Germany, Europe and beyond
Since DKGermany is no more....we thought it appropriate (after some nudging from friends and family) to continue our musings. Click on the link below to go to...
Poop, Sleep, Repeat
Posted by
4:00 PM
One of our movers just split his arm open when he broke a lighting fixture and glass shards fell onto him. Nothing like a little blood and gore on the final day in our home!
The moving company showed up with an ARMADA of dude this morning. I explained in broken German that there are enough guys for a "baseball team". They told me that they had enough for a "football team". You can take the man out of the US but....
Starting to look really strange in here. I'd say about 80% of our things are on the truck already.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Chinese prison inmates doing Michael Jackson's thriller.
Posted by
6:20 PM
Our house in in shreds right now as five guys are here packing all that we have. It should take 6 weeks for everything to get to Detroit. The sadness is setting in. We move into a hotel tomorrow so tonight is our last night in the house. Lots of dinners and meet-ups in the next 6 days.
The weather got cold on us. Only about 65F today.
Posted by
1:42 PM
We are back in Germany now from our trip to the D. Over 4 days, Kelli and I looked at about 50 houses (!!!) and came up with two that are pretty darn perfect. We are in the process now of making offers and negotiating so nothing is set yet.
We were able to make it into the city center last night for the winefest that started on Friday. Only 9 more days to enjoy what has really and truly become a place we call home. There is a ton of buttoning up to do with the movers and our jobs so these will be some very busy times. Our lives have been moving quickly from excitement to sadness to exhaustion but we are both taking great care of each other as we turn the page (cue Seger).
Posted by
12:05 PM
Is that in pesos Jose?
The Price Is Not Even Close - Watch more free videos
Posted by
11:32 AM
Our adventure is ending.
We're moving back to Detroit later this month. This will not be my opus to all that we have done and learned (that will come later) but we are beginning to get the feelings of separation from what has become our home. Some tears have started to flow in and around Wiesbaden.
Kelli and I are knee deep in everything that's involved with moving everything we own to another country. As you can imagine, it's quite a task. Not surprisingly, moving to the US has a lot more challenges than moving to Germany. There are WAY more regulations about what we can and can not bring back with us. My hopes of bringing cases of wine, beer and the mustard that my sister Renee loves so much have been dashed by the new US food import regulations. Even with all of the help given to us by our relocation people, we have been going non stop for three weeks. We are heading to the D tomorrow on our look see trip with the primary purpose of finding a new home sandwiched in between my family reunion in Alpena and a friend's wedding.
Five days to find a home.
Doesn't sound like much so this should be interesting. We've done all of our homework and looked at hundreds of places on the internet so a week from this Friday, we should have a new pad and the home that our baby will grow up in. Cool stuff.
Last weekend was our 5th wedding anniversary and I surprised Kelli by taking her to the Praia del Rey Resort in Obidos, Portugal. (about an hour drive north of Lisbon) We had five days of nothing to do but sit in the sun and relax. We took one three hour trip to the village of Obidos (unbelievable!) but mostly stayed close to the water. We have had so many cultural and sightseeing trips in the last 30 months that it was a great respite to do NOTHING for once. Portugal is beautiful.
Posted by
4:25 PM
Posted by
4:12 PM
Congratulations guys!
Our friends Brian and Aurea got married in Hawaii over the weeekend. Wish we could have been there!
Kelli and I were in Portugal over the weekend relaxing by the pool for our 5th wedding anniversary. I will have pics as well as an update of all of the goings on this week.
Posted by
5:56 PM
What will probably be our last visitors have departed and our house has become quiet once again. We miss Chris, Chip and the kids a ton already and look forward to more time together in the near(er) future. We spent the long weekend in the area around Wiesbaden and Kelli and I filled their time with the things that we will miss most about our European home. Kelli and I even got to do some things that we had always wanted to in the city but just hadn't gotten around to it.
I picked them up in Cologne last Wednesday after their train ride from Paris and we visited the Cologne Cathedral and ate at Cafe Fruh. The weather was pretty rotten for the whole trip (save one day) and was mostly in the 60's every day. We got to Rudesheim and the castles on the Rhein, ate a LOT of German food, drank our fair share of German wine and beer, visited Frankfurt and rode the Apple Wine Express, visited Heidelberg Castle and the Konigstuhl and spent a bunch of time just in Wiesbaden. Once again, it was great to share what our life here has been with those that are closest to us.
There are a LOT of things going on right now and there will be even MORE news to share very soon. Until then, enjoy the photos
Posted by
2:14 PM
We are back from our long weekend in London with my brother Chip and his family. They are off to Paris for a few days before I pick them up in Cologne on Thursday around noon. London was great as usual. We dealt with all of the bomb scares like all of the other Londoners and went on with our lives as if nothing happened. It made for some difficulties in getting around the city but we never let it get us down.
We saw every sight you could think of, climbed the steps to the VERY top of St. Paul's, spent some time at Harrod's, rode the London Eye, Chip and I enjoyed a pint at Punch and Judy's, we saw the play "Wicked" on Saturday night (probably the best show I've ever seen!) and just enjoyed spending time with each other. It had been 1 and a half years since Kelli and I have seen them so it was great to reconnect and see how much our little niece and nephew had grown up.
Much more to come as we're spending five days in and around Wiesbaden over next weekend.
Posted by
5:24 PM
Hello world
That's right everyone, Kelli is expecting.
Mommy and baby are both doing very well and we are looking forward to a November 19th arrival date.
The photo at left is from week 15 and Kelli is just getting through her 19th week. She has been great and not TOO demanding. Nor has she had any weird cravings for pickle ice cream or anything like that. Her appetite has definitely increased and she is kicking off a great deal of heat but (knock on wood) nothing too out of the ordinary.
We are both extremely excited and are anxiously awaiting our little present.
Posted by
6:26 PM
Posted by
8:27 PM
We have gotten a LOT done since Chet and Diane got here two and a half weeks ago.
Our trip (so far) has been:
Gossmansdorf (Diane's ancestral home)
Neuschwanstein Castle
Lake Como
Southern Spain
And THEN, they returned home to the Wilhelmstrassefest in Wiesbaden after getting back from Spain.
We have been home for a couple days and will be in Belgium for a while before they leave on Saturday for home.
Enjoy the pics so far, but there are MORE to come
Posted by
4:56 PM