Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Switch

Accoding to a few people that I have talked to now, it seems as if there comes a point every year where Germany all of a sudden is warmer than Detroit. I think that happened this week.

Right now I am sitting outside at a cafe and it is about 74F and perfect. Right now it's about 40 in the D. During the summer we were stuck at about 75 - 80 while Detroit was around 90. Hopefully all winter is like this. We are going on our 9th month now and soon we will be able to say things like "It wasn't this warm/cold last year".....very strange.

Since I have had a lull in the amount of trips I have been taking, I have really stepped up my German classes to about three times per week for three hours each time.

Ich kann Deutsch sprechen aber noch nicht sehr gut. Ich habe jetzt neun Monate im Wiesbaden gewesen.

Was in Milan again last week. I had one of the best meals of my life at this restaurant halfway between Como and Milan (Restaurante Toscana). TONS of seafood of all types. The served grappa in this gigantic glass serving thing. I think I took some pictures with my camera phone. Grappa is good!

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