Friday, August 17, 2007

Zu den Krankenhaus!

One of our movers just split his arm open when he broke a lighting fixture and glass shards fell onto him. Nothing like a little blood and gore on the final day in our home!

The moving company showed up with an ARMADA of dude this morning. I explained in broken German that there are enough guys for a "baseball team". They told me that they had enough for a "football team". You can take the man out of the US but....

Starting to look really strange in here. I'd say about 80% of our things are on the truck already.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

General Tso's Thriller

Chinese prison inmates doing Michael Jackson's thriller.



Our house in in shreds right now as five guys are here packing all that we have. It should take 6 weeks for everything to get to Detroit. The sadness is setting in. We move into a hotel tomorrow so tonight is our last night in the house. Lots of dinners and meet-ups in the next 6 days.

The weather got cold on us. Only about 65F today.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The last hurrah

We are back in Germany now from our trip to the D. Over 4 days, Kelli and I looked at about 50 houses (!!!) and came up with two that are pretty darn perfect. We are in the process now of making offers and negotiating so nothing is set yet.

We were able to make it into the city center last night for the winefest that started on Friday. Only 9 more days to enjoy what has really and truly become a place we call home. There is a ton of buttoning up to do with the movers and our jobs so these will be some very busy times. Our lives have been moving quickly from excitement to sadness to exhaustion but we are both taking great care of each other as we turn the page (cue Seger).


Worst Price Is Right Contestant EVER

Is that in pesos Jose?

The Price Is Not Even Close - Watch more free videos

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Good bye Germany

Our adventure is ending.

We're moving back to Detroit later this month. This will not be my opus to all that we have done and learned (that will come later) but we are beginning to get the feelings of separation from what has become our home. Some tears have started to flow in and around Wiesbaden.

Kelli and I are knee deep in everything that's involved with moving everything we own to another country. As you can imagine, it's quite a task. Not surprisingly, moving to the US has a lot more challenges than moving to Germany. There are WAY more regulations about what we can and can not bring back with us. My hopes of bringing cases of wine, beer and the mustard that my sister Renee loves so much have been dashed by the new US food import regulations. Even with all of the help given to us by our relocation people, we have been going non stop for three weeks. We are heading to the D tomorrow on our look see trip with the primary purpose of finding a new home sandwiched in between my family reunion in Alpena and a friend's wedding.

Five days to find a home.

Doesn't sound like much so this should be interesting. We've done all of our homework and looked at hundreds of places on the internet so a week from this Friday, we should have a new pad and the home that our baby will grow up in. Cool stuff.

Last weekend was our 5th wedding anniversary and I surprised Kelli by taking her to the Praia del Rey Resort in Obidos, Portugal. (about an hour drive north of Lisbon) We had five days of nothing to do but sit in the sun and relax. We took one three hour trip to the village of Obidos (unbelievable!) but mostly stayed close to the water. We have had so many cultural and sightseeing trips in the last 30 months that it was a great respite to do NOTHING for once. Portugal is beautiful.

Main street in Obidos

Looking out over the Portuguese countryside

Looking down over Obidos

Portuguese fruit stand
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St. Mary's church in the center of Obidos

The medievel castle in Obidos

Along the old city wall - not for the faint - hearted

Looking up at the castle
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The best belly photo EVER

Our hotel from the tenth tee

After our anniversary dinner

Kelli outside of our room
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The view from our room

Portuguese sunset

The beach looking north

And South
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