Friday, June 09, 2006

Euro - Bob

We have had a busy week travelling around. We just picked Tim up at the airport and are now getting ready for a big day in Wiesbaden. Today is the first World Cup game and the big fest starts in the city. Lots of beer will meet it's demise at the hands of the Rankin clan today I am sure.

We got Dad to Normandy to see the WWII beaches and had time top stop in Paris for a night on the way back. This week, I took Dad down to Baden - Baden and Offenbach to see the ancestral home of my Grandma's family. Lots of Gensheimers in Offenbach.

Just a short note for now but expect a big Dad re-cap next week after he departs on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bob. you look like you're having a blast!

love ya!