Friday, July 08, 2005

So much UNO, so little time

Yes, we are still playing the same game of UNO. The reason is the Dave Chappelle Season 2 DVD. We had to pause for obvious purposes when the "Charlie Murphy" skit was on. Kelli is beating me by about 200 right now.

To Brendan Malone: Please tell any of my former players that I am not responsible for any negative results of my drills. Even though every one of them is a better man and a better player due to the greatest coach of all time....Tom Izzo...

talk to you in one backspace button is starting to wear out...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan, you have had a profound effect on the lives of your young players. In addition to Brenden, Karski let his Dumars league team in scoring. Tim ran the show on his Macomb Cougers AAU team. And the twins mom can be seen on TV commercials all over the country. I have no doubt that none of this would ever have happened without you and the Izzo drill.

Also, please refer to me as Brenden Suhr (Brenden Malone is an insult).

Also, the Utes begin their comeback tour July 16 at the Anchorville Perch Festival. You will be there with us in spirit.