Sunday, September 18, 2005


I traveled to Timisoara, Romania last week - what an experience. I guess I should research where I go prior to leaving as I didn't know that the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe started in Timisoara in December 1989 and that over 1100 people were killed there in the revolution. I guess I was only 13 and didn't pay attention to world events, but as I went on a tour the first night, I was amazed that so much has happened to this country 13 years ago and how far it appears to have come.

There is a lot of investment in Romania but it looks pretty warn down. I visited three suppliers while there. Average labor rate there is 1 Euro 20 cents. The people seem to be hard working and most were young. The roads in the city were jammed packed all day. However, the roads leading out to the country side were pretty rough. In November I will head to Ukraine where they make 70 Euro cents an hour. The Ukraine's labor rate is lower than China's...

Dan has been busy this past week at their big trade show. However, we were able to see each other one night this weekend. I also went to the Frankfurt Auto Show this week which is HUGE! However, it's little European car after little European car...

Dan's friends flew in this morning and they are in Amsterdam the next few days, then Prague, and end in Munich. I join them in Munich on Friday for Oktoberfest. I hope I can hang with the boys!

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