Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Das Haus und Der Autobahn


It took nearly three months but we finally feel that our home is a home. Everything has a place. Many of you should recognize most of the furniture, pictures and stuff from our Troy address (which by the way, HAS BEEN SOLD!). We brought most everything over with us.

Your German base is now open for business! Come on over!

It is supposed to be in the 80's all weekend throughout western Europe. Perfect for our long weekend. We have decided to head to Prague for the weekend. It's about 5.5 hour drive and mostly Autobahn since Prague is just over the border in the Czech Republic. Our first visit to a former Communist state!

A lot of people ask me about the Autobahn, here is the deal.

Autobahn is the German word for expressway. It is NOT all unlimited speed. Especially if you live near a big city (Frankfurt). I would say that about half is regulated speed. Compare it to Michigan expressways, where there is a 70 mph zone, those would be unlimited in Germany. The normal limit (when there is a limit) is max 130 km/hr (about 80). Sometimes the max is 120 and sometimes 100 as well. Just like sometimes there is 65mph in Michigan and sometimes there is 55mph in Michigan.

I have been up to about 220 km/hr. It does get pretty scary and cars handle a little differently at speeds like that. German cars are made to handle that with different gear ratios and steering responses. But it IS fun!

Germans are SERIOUS about their driving rules as well. NO ONE passes on the right. Therefore, If you are in the left lane, you must be totally aware of what is going on around you. If a car is going 250 and you try and pass someone by going 140 in the left lane, you could kill or be killed. It is a little different but nothing to be afraid of as long as you pay attention.

Michigan also has reciprocity with Germany so if you have a Michigan driver's license, you have a German one!

take care and Prague photos will be on next week. Have a great Memorial Day and GO PISTONS!!

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