Friday, May 13, 2005


I love Fridays, especially when they are warm.

It makes me want to go get a beer and sit in the park.

That sounds like a good plan!

We are off to Strasbourg this weekend. It's about two hours south of Wiesbaden and is the home to The Beer Academy (the unofficial birthplace of modern beer). Louis Pasteur (Pasteurization anyone?) studied there a while back.

Pictures next week before I am off to the UK!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like german weather is better than michigan weather. 30 deg with windchill yesterday here. Softball with ski caps sucks.

Anonymous said...

hey rankin,
i didn't know you like beer??? i thought you only drink water??? heheh lori hehl
i love the blogger thing.....i check at least twice a week. hope all is well. still looking for a decrease in price for a flight out there. its always in the back of our mind. keep checking for deals and let us know.